**Workouts are held Monday thru Thursday from 6-7:30am at the Hood River Aquatic Center**  (We will add Fridays back as soon as the pool is open on Fridays again)

Columbia Gorge Masters Registration Information – 2024

(updated December 2023)

Head Coach: Shelly Rawding  hrvst.coach@gmail.com

Substitute Coaches:  Mary Jane Caswell, Bill Sumerfield, Keith Ebbert


1. Oregon Masters Swimming/United States Masters Swimming Registration: This is for the calendar year. Fees are $70 for an individual. You need to sign up on line at www.usms.org or www.swimoregon.org within two weeks of starting coached workouts. Click on the local workout group on line as Columbia Gorge Masters.

2. Coaching Fees: The monthly fee for coached workouts is $79 per month if you attend all or just some of the workouts (prorated if we have a scheduled break). Fees are due the first of each month. We do billing monthly via Team Unify and you can check the amount you owe on your bill at anytime in your account. To pay for our tax professionals, payroll, bookkeeping and the website fees, a $25 registration fee is payable at the first of the year or whenever you start being billed for coached workouts. In order for you to not be billed for the following month, the treasurer needs to know by the 25th if you will not be swimming in the upcoming month.  It is very important that you let us know this so we can take you off the billing so you won't be charged.  Thanks for being proactive about this step! 

Credit card and debit payments via Team Unify are ways to pay and you can sign up for this on Team Unify once the Treasurer sends you a password. To start this process, give Shelly the team information form we need to set up your account.

No pool pass is required now, workout fees include your pool entrance fee. 

Workouts: Morning workouts are Monday through Friday (currently only thru Thursday) from 6:00 – 7:30 AM. If you can arrive at the pool by 5:55 AM, help is always appreciated removing the pool covers. 

Meets: Oregon Masters Swimming hosts 8-9 meets per year and there are two meets per year within the Northwest Zone (Oregon, Pacific Northwest (Western Washington), Inland Northwest (Eastern Washington), Snake River (Idaho), Montana, Utah, and Alaska). Columbia Gorge Masters will periodically host a Masters meet, and Masters swimmers will be encouraged to swim and/or volunteer. 

Pool Closure: Inclement weather may occasionally cause us to cancel workout.  We will send out an email by 5:30am if coaches are unable to make it to the pool due to icy/snow on the roads.  Please check your email and our team facebook group page for these notices.

KIHR Weather and Snow Line 541-386-1336 KIHR Radio Station 1340 AM

Team Treasurer: Contact hrvst.treasurer@gmail.com if you have any questions about your bill.

Team Registration Information: Please fill out the attached form so that the team treasurer can contact you and we can get you on the roster and e-mail distribution list.

Columbia Gorge Masters Swimming Registration


Date of First Swim: _____________________



Name: __________________________________________________


Address: ________________________________________________


City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________


Telephone: (h) _____________________ (w) ___________________




E-Mail: _________________________________________________


Age: ______ Birth date: ___________________________________